Writing a College Alma Mater

What happens when we write down the visions and speak things out loud into existence? What happens when we are intentional about what we want to accomplish and who we want to be? At the beginning of 2018 I am going to invest in myself and take my songwriting more seriously. So I took a 6-month songwriting course from one of the industry's finest top notch songwriters. Half way into my classes I got asked to write the Alma Mater for TCL Technical College of the Lowcountry. When you think of schools, colleges and universities you may sometimes wander who wrote the Alma Mater and how that person was chosen. Here is a link to the TCL FB Live Event  https://www.facebook.com/goTCL/videos/270998163616659/ :: There's so much I will share about how historical and and important this was for me. See Lyrics Below.... 


Born by the water Taught by the sea 

TCL TCL We honor thy creed 

Born by the water Taught by the sea 

Technical College of the LowCountry 

Born by the water Taught by the sea 

TCL TCL We honor thy creed 

Born by the water Taught by the sea 

Technical College of the LowCountry 

Verse 1 

Honoring our past 

With our hands, heads and hearts 

I am worthy and building 

With this great first start 

Turn dreams into realities 

Conquer possibilities 

Reaching far and wide 

Rising like the tide 


Born by the water Taught by the sea 

TCL TCL We honor thy creed 

Born by the water Taught by the sea 

Technical College of the LowCountry 

Born by the water Taught by the sea 

TCL TCL We honor thy creed 

Born by the water Taught by the sea 

Technical College of the LowCountry 

Verse 2 

No matter what 

This is what you’ll see 

We Turn potential 

Into Reality 

Continuously elevate 

The community we serve 

With the Matherite formula 

An education you deserve 


Born by the water Taught by the sea 

TCL TCL We honor thy creed 

Born by the water Taught by the sea 

Technical College of the LowCountry 

Born by the water Taught by the sea 

TCL TCL We honor thy creed 

Born by the water Taught by the sea 

Technical College of the LowCountry 


Written & Composed by Andre & Mahoganee Amiger ©2018 

Verse 1 speaks to the heart of the Student  

Verse  2 speaks to the soul of the College