Let's Just Go :: BackStory & Liner Notes

Let's Just Go is a fun song to inspire Spontaneity & Freedom 

I was watching Aaliyah's "Rock the Boat" video and it inspired "Let's Just Go". I had gone to Trinidad in 2009 on a Mission trip and the beauty of the island was breathtaking. It was an emotional trip because it was a lot of firsts for me. It was my first trip out of the US. It was my first trip to an orphanage and it was my first experience of being emotionally drained from the outpouring of love from the children. But the visual beauty of Trinidad & Tobago was breathtaking and I felt that memory deserved to be in a song. The experience also made me realize that we take a lot for granted and we don't LIVE to enjoy life but we merely exist and this song was my way of saying I no longer wanted to just exist but I wanted to LIVE and soak in every moments. 

Liner Notes:  
Lyrics, Vocal Performance, Arrangement : Mahoganee Amiger 
Producer : CheefahDray 
Recording Studio : Responsible ARTistry Studios 
Recording Engineer : Andre Amiger 
Mixing Engineer : Andre Amiger 
Cover ArtWork by Responsible ARTistry